CityFlows is Looking for International Crowd-Management Innovations & Best Practices
29 November 2021
We are putting out an open call for crowd-management best practices and are looking to collect international best practices. Do you have a crowd-management solution or project which you would like to showcase to peers, policy makers and the public? We invite all stakeholders, including public authorities, companies, start-ups, and knowledge institutions to share their crowd-management innovations and lessons learned.

CityFlows at the Smart City Expo World Congress
16 November 2021
The last 3 days, cities from all over the world showcased their latest innovations and smart city tools in Barcelona. The Barcelona living lab team was also present to show the preliminary results of the Parc Guell pilot.

25 October 2021
After 1.5 years of preparation, we made it happen. A pilot of a new innovative crowdsensing system took place in Park Guell in Barcelona. During 5 days a brand new GDPR-proof RFID system was evaluated.

6 October 2021
During the finals of the Nations League, Milano Centrale was the focus point of a CityFlows pilot. An innovative crowdsensing system featuring smart cameras was evaluated. For more info click here.

CityFlows at the Dutch Design Week
16-24 October 2021
The CityFlows project was one of the innovative mobility-related projects presented at the Embassy of Mobility. Underneath you can find the video showcasing us, and our new startup City Analytics.

A reflection of the 4rd CityFlows webinar
22 December 2020
On Tuesday, December 15, the fourth CityFlows webinar brought together crowd management practitioners and researchers for knowledge exchange on topics related to 5G applications for crowd management.

11 December 2020
A major project milestone has been reached. City Analytics, a start-up licensing the CityFlows CM-DSS software to government authorities, will be launched. City Analytics will boost the quality of pedestrian spaces, a timely development as cities look for reliable tools that can help them respond to the Corona crisis.

Dorine Duives, CityFlows Project Lead Wins Second Place of the EIT Awards 2020
10 December 2020
Dorine Duives, Assistant Professor Active Modes at Delft University of Technology and CityFlows Project Lead, supported by EIT Urban Mobility, was awarded the second prize of the EIT Awards in the category of EIT Woman Leadership and Entrepreneurship Category.

A reflection on the third CityFlows webinar
11 November 2020
On Tuesday, November 3, a group of 23 crowd-management practitioners and researchers came together for the third edition of the CityFlows webinar series. The program consisted of two presentations and a discussion on topics related to crowd management at multimodal hubs and train stations.

Recap of the second CityFlows webinar
20 October 2020
During the second webinar, on October 13, CityFlows project partners shared their experience. The webinar consisted of two presentations from CityFlows project partners, followed by a short discussion. The focus was on big data and IoT for crowd-management.

A successful launch of the CityFlows webinar series
15 Sepbemter 2020
On Tuesday, 8 September, forty-five participants gathered for the first CityFlows webinar on the topic of crowd-management in response to corona. The meeting represented a successful launch of the EIT-KIC CityFlows webinar series which will continue with additional webinars in October, November and December.

25 August 2020
To facilitate knowledge exchange between project partners and stakeholders, the CityFlows project is hosting a webinar series. Through four, one hour webinars you will get insights from project partners and engage in a discussion with crowd-management researchers and practitioners.

29 June 2020
Forecasting in real-time of how a crowd is likely to move in the next 15 minutes can be of great value to crowd managers. They can increase the comfort and safety of everybody in the crowd. To face this challenge two different approaches are being developed at Delft University of Technology.

Impact COVID-19 on CityFlows project
23 June 2020
COVID-19 has rapidly spread across the world. Very evasive measures have been required to limit the impact of this new disease on the general health of the population. The CityFlows team has worked hard to come up with a mitigation strategy for the CityFlows project process.

Kick-off meeting CityFlows @ AMS
2 March 2020
The very first face-to-face meeting of the complete set of CityFlows project partners has been realized. Besides some organisational issues, this meeting was also used to acquint the partners with the latest developments regarding the crowd monitoring systems of the city of Amsterdam.